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CANS & Smoking.

J. L. Thomas - Programmer.

I have benefited greatly from using the aquaswing, especially in my work as a programmer. Alongside adjusting my workspace, practicing with the Aquaswing has relieved me of third-degree RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). I am incredibly pleased with this outcome because disability is a significant concern with RSI. After three months of daily practice, four times a day at home, I no longer experienced any discomfort.

Additionally, I have observed that the Aquaswing is an excellent tool for quitting smoking. It allows easy indoor practice, and 'swinging' distracts from the craving to smoke during challenging moments. For me, this method worked better than nicotine patches and similar alternatives.


Marga Jansen

 I experience the aquaswing as a relaxed effort. In a way, it's also a bit like playing... with water. I clearly feel that it's a balanced way to keep (or make) your body flexible and strong. It remains a challenge because there are always areas for improvement, both in the effort and in the relaxation.

The movements ensure that you use a bit more strength and feel a stretch. All your muscles undergo development in a gentle manner. By doing a certain exercise for a bit longer, you become one with the rhythm of the water. In short; I am a fan.


Adrienne Garber

After just the first lesson, I noticed relief from my symptoms and real success. The movements are smooth and flowing, synchronized with the rhythm of water. I am glad I went for it. In the beginning, I felt tired, heavy, and stiff. Now, after many sessions, I feel lighter, more agile, and more flexible. Most importantly, I feel good and satisfied with my body.

CANS Injury

Alex Groen

I have been dealing with CANS (complaints about the arm, neck, and shoulder, formerly RSI) for approximately three years. My CANS complaints have been such a hindrance that I had to discontinue my studies and, as the symptoms became more severe, had to search for a new job. Since developing CANS, I have tried many therapies, all without success.

Since February 2007, I have been using the Aquaswing, and I am very enthusiastic about it. I do notice a significant difference compared to other therapies. Aquaswing increases my physical resilience. This means it takes longer for the CANS symptoms to occur, and generally, the symptoms are less severe and last for a shorter duration than before.

The most significant improvement, however, is on a mental level. Knowing that, as long as I use the Aquaswing, my capacity for load-bearing is higher and I am much more relaxed. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of symptoms occurring quickly.

I can recommend the Aquaswing to everyone because, in addition to all the benefits mentioned above, it is also just a lot of fun and good for your health. I have been in a new job for nine months now, and thanks in part to the Aquaswing, everything is still going well.

Stroke Rehab.

H. Vd. Berg

At the age of 62, I suffered a stroke, which left me paralyzed on the left side of my body. As a result, I initially ended up in a wheelchair. After six months of treatment at the Blixembosch Rehabilitation Center in Eindhoven, I largely recovered.

During my time at the rehabilitation center, I extensively used the Aquaswing, which contributed to my recovery. Upon discharge from the rehabilitation center, on the advice of my physical therapist, I purchased an Aquaswing. I use this instrument almost daily.

Shoulder Problem

Ute Luttringhaus

Nothing helped until I discovered the Aqua Swing! Many years ago, I developed bursitis in my left shoulder and had to undergo shoulder surgery. It was the result of being overly enthusiastic about practicing aerobics. After the surgery, it took many weeks before I could use my arm again and months before I could finally do everything.

Unfortunately, my shoulder/neck area has been my 'weak spot' ever since. It doesn't take much to get tense, painful muscles from activities like gardening, working on the PC, stress, etc. For years, I searched for remedies to get rid of the problem. I believe I've tried almost every therapy available, but nothing worked!

happened to hear about the Aqua Swing and decided to take a trial lesson. During the first lesson, while I had to get used to the exercises with the Aqua Swing, I found it refreshing that I could freely move. Once I found the rhythm, I progressed very quickly – it's just a matter of letting yourself be carried by the water.


The issues quickly improved with training twice a week. The muscles in the problematic area have become much more flexible, and I clearly feel improved circulation. So, I am truly very enthusiastic.

Another advantage of the Aqua Swing is that you can use it in your own home or garden. The Aqua Swing is versatile, it simply fits into the side pocket of my travel bag. 

CANS Injury

Edel Meulenbeek (Human Resources Trainer with RSI)

The exercises with the Aqua Swing suit me excellently. It is very enjoyable to do, especially outdoors in the park. I find it effortless to maintain the discipline to do this every week.

After a few months of pain and heavy fatigue in my arms, they feel relaxed again. My neck and shoulder muscles, as well as my hips, have become much more flexible. The movements are easy to learn. It doesn't feel heavy to do; the water being swung back and forth actually does the work.

The Aqua Swing is easy to take anywhere. It looks fun when you're practicing outdoors. It also pairs well with music.


For me, it's the first time I enjoy sports and look forward to the exercises.

The most enjoyable way for me to relax my body!

Computer Usage

Heleen Groenedijk

For my studies, I have to spend a lot of time behind the computer. In the last year of my studies, this led to complaints in my hands and forearms. The diagnosis was RSI. After undergoing Mensendieck therapy, the complaints stayed away for a while since I didn't work with the computer as much.

However, when I started working more hours again, the complaints returned. After a prolonged acupuncture treatment, which unfortunately didn't provide sufficient relief, I met Raoul Lambert in the center where I underwent acupuncture, who then treated me for nine sessions under the category of physiotherapy.

Since then, my complaints have been well under control. I attribute this mainly to the use of the Aqua Swing introduced to me by Raoul. When I know that I have to spend a long time working on the computer, I start the day with some exercises with the Aqua Swing.

I immediately feel that the important back muscles that tend to get tense are loosened.


I also enjoy practicing with the Aqua Swing, making me more inclined to actually do the exercises. This was not the case with the exercises I learned in Mensendieck therapy, which often got neglected. If I notice that I am experiencing discomfort again while working with the computer, I do a few more exercises, after which I can usually continue working normally.

Computer Usage

Carl Friis Hansen - Computer Scientist

My RSI was so bad that my minimum life cycle like washing, cooking, dressing and all the other parts of the daily life, which is difficult to skip, was very close to the limit of my durability. I therefore had an all too slow recovery and this was my reason for changing physiotherapist.

When joining Raoul Lambert, my durability was slowly but surely improved over time. As other good therapists had told me before, I was taught a kind of self-help. The difference here was that the exercise were more effective and entertaining. Contrary to the other therapists I have joined, Raoul Lambert never exercise anything that worsened my situation, neither short nor long term. I can only interpret this as being Raoul’s great understanding of RSI.

I believe that the Aqua Swing has been particular beneficial and I am using it virtually every day. Many variations are possible, but frequent guiding is needed (at least for me) in order to learn new swings and to maintain a high standard in already learned swings.

I have found Raoul Lambert an immensely value in my difficult situation. 

RSI Injured.

Jakob Hronek - Graphic Designer

When I became aware earlier this year that I was suffering from RSI, there was that strange pain, but an even stronger feeling was the awareness that I could lose my career and hobbies.I had heard of RSI before but didn't know any means of combating it. Every attempt at improvement failed. When I finally went to a physiotherapist, I was constantly in severe pain and could hardly work with computers anymore.

I was introduced to the Aqua Swing, which allowed me to do something for the muscles in my shoulders again. It was the first time I felt "I've finally found something against this terrible disease."

After two weeks of daily use, my pain was almost gone, and I enjoyed learning new movements and finding a new connection to my body. Today, I am still working with computers every day and have my own digital art business. I owe this to the Aqua Swing.

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