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Injury and Pain.

General Instructions

Learning how to Aquaswing, general information and everything you need to get started. 

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Technology

Pain Assesssment

Looking at how to interpret pain and limitations. Our suggestions on what, when and how to do.

07. Neck Pain and Injury

Movements, exercises and general tips for neck pain relief, enhancing daily function and increasing flexibility.

08. Back Pain and Injury

Don't let back pain hold you back. Using gentle movement as therapy and a way to prevent back pain from coming back.

10. Shoulder Pain and Injury

Rotator cuff and shoulder mobility. Injured or prone to injury. Making the shoulders loose, flexible and pain free.

11. Arm Pain and Injury

Movements, exercises and general tips for arm pain relief, enhancing daily function and increasing flexibility.

12. Hand Pain and Injury

Typing, playing music or any other action which can cause repetive strain. Repetive motions don't have to be painful.

13. Joint Pain and Injury

Pain in joints due to strain or old age. Arthritis or any other disease. Why, which and how movement can relief and prevent pain.

37. Pain assessment

Looking at how to interpret pain and limitations. Our suggestions on what, when and how to do.

38. Ergonomic Suggestions

Looking at how to improve your work place, posture and any other daily activity that can cause pain or injury,

more programs coming soon.

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